Friday, September 16, 2011

No more dam breaks

The Problem: Protection of rivers and the communities living next to them

Who: International Rivers

Why are they special? Work to stop dams which they believe harm people downstream. Active in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Where: Berkeley, California

Started: 1985

What the top person makes: $70,664 (2009)

General site: International Rivers

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes


Friday, September 9, 2011

The Flag on 9-11

Sometimes charity is not the only way to do good. On Sunday, September 11, many Americans will fly the flag in remembrance of the lives lost on that day 10 years ago.

There is actually a law about displaying the flag, passed in 1942. There are however no flag police. So you won't get busted if you miss one of the rules. But the flag code suggests a level of respect.

While the flag may be flown any day, some media have suggested September 11 is a designated day. Actually the date is not mentioned in the flag code.

Many people will fly the flag at half-mast on Sunday. To do so, the flag is brought briskly to the top of the pole, then slowly lowered to the half-mast position. At the end of the day, the flag is again brought to the top before being ceremoniously lowered.

The flag ought not to be flown in inclement weather (unless an all-weather flag is used) nor at night (unless illumination is provided.)

When a new state enters the union, a star is added to the flag. It is the custom to fly the new flag for the first time at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland. This is where the incident leading to the national anthem occurred. (The flag normally flown at the Fort has 15 stars and stripes, the flag of 1814 when the Star Spangled Banner was wrtten.)


Friday, September 2, 2011

Not a great Labor Day

We couldn't find a charity dealing with undisabled adult unemployment using the Charity Navigator search.

It's supposed to be a great weekend. But for too many Americans, it's a disaster.

* Unemployment has risen 1.6 points in 2 1/2 years.

* US unemployment rate has been stuck at or above 9% since May 2009--more than 2 years (except for February and March 2011 when it dipped to 8.9% and 8.8% respectively.)

* Embarrassingly, a single province in Canada (Alberta) added more net jobs in June than the entire United States.

So if you know of a charity who's working to solve this problem, please donate.

If you don't, please send the president your ideas on how the problem can be solved.

He needs your help. Unemployment was 7.6% when he took office. The next month it jumped up half a point and never looked back. We haven't seen 7.6% since.

Oh, and happy Labor Day!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Helping kids get ahead

The Problem: Cycle of poverty

Who: Juma Ventures

Why are they special? Breaks the cycle for youth by giving employment and teaching skills

Where: San Francisco, California

Started: ?

What the top person makes: $141,272 (2009)

General site: Juma Ventures

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

(Requires you to set up an account to donate. That's ridiculous. You guys ever heard of something called PayPal? That little start up?)

Deductible? Yes


Monday, August 22, 2011

America the Beautiful

The Problem: Litter

Who: Keep America Beautiful

Why are they special? Targets litter prevention, waste reduction and beautification through 1,000 affiliates and participating organizations.

The organization has been criticized with the allegation the emphasis on litter prevention ignores recycling and redesigning packaging. (The web site does have a section addressing recycling.)

Where: Stamford, Connecticut

Started: 1953

What the top person makes: $310,000 (2009) Ouch! This is twice what the governor of his state makes.

General site: Keep America Beautiful

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate (You have to unclick to avoid getting on their mailing list.)

Deductible? Probably but they don't say so.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Growing dinner

The Problem: Agriculture on the prairie

Who: Land Institute

Why are they special? Seeks to do an ecologically stable agriculture on the prairie without sacrificing yields

Where: Salinas, Kansas

Started: 1976

What the top person makes: $66,000 (2010)

General site: The Land Institute

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate (If you're a web designer, think about making some suggestions to them. Did you see the code visible on the donation page???)

Deductible? Not stated (it must be a secret. Hmmm.)


Friday, August 12, 2011

Safe Place

The Problem: Women who are victims of domestic violence

Who: My Sister's Place

Why are they special? Helps attain post-shelter housing, self-sufficiency, coping and safety

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 1979

What the top person makes: $132,478 (2009)

General site: Who We Are

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Unknown (Hey, charities, it's just a line! Let your donors know!)


Friday, August 5, 2011

Editorial: Jewis Lewis shoved off telethon

Jerry Lewis got canned by the MDA Telethon this week. Additionally they said he won't be appearing on any future telethons in any capacity.

I don't know what the back story on this is.

But if some guy was largely responsible for $2.6 billion being donated to my charity, I'd treat him better.

He hosted the thing for 45 years. You think maybe letting him on for a song once a year would kill you?

As one Los Angeles Times columnist wrote, without Jerry, "There is really no reason to watch it now."

Even if the format was becoming outmoded and the revenue declining, it would have been good, as a fellow comic put it, to let him say good bye.

Maybe after we find the cure for MD, we can find out how to fix rudeness and clue the MDA in.

Oh, and Jerry--thanks!


Not a hand-me-down

The Problem: New clothes for foster kids

Who: Neat Stuff

Why are they special? "Neat Stuff provides free brand new clothing, shoes, accessories and gifts to meet some of the basic needs of abused, neglected and other children in distress, allowing them to dress with pride and dignity, inspiring their self worth."

A neat idea, an executive director not making six figures and a four star rating on Charity Navigator. Wow!

Where: Miami, Florida

Started: 1995

What the top person makes: $84,060 (2010)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Help

Deductible? Yes in US


Monday, July 25, 2011

2 great actors and an ocean

The Problem: Ocean conservation

Who: Oceana

Why are they special? Employs scientists, economists and lawyers to promote ocean conservation. Reportedly the largest such organization.

Actors Ted Danson and Sam Waterston are on the board of directors.

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 2001

What the top person makes: $211,903 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes in US


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pheasant habitat

The Problem: Habitat conservation for pheasants

Who: Pheasants Forever

Why are they special? Claim their "wildlife habitat projects have benefited more than 5.3 million acres across the continent."

Where: St. Paul, Minnesota

Started: 1982

What the top person makes: $193,305 (2009). (By comparision, the executive director of the Sierra Club Foundation makes about $50,000 less.)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Contribute

Deductible? Not stated


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Worrying About Cancer-- Not Doctor Bills

The Problem: Breast cancer

Who: The Rose

Why are they special? Seek to reduce breast cancer by providing services (more than 70,000 a year) regardless of ability to pay

Where: Houston, Texas

Started: 1986

What the top person makes: $118,652 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Help

Deductible? Not stated (Don't know why more charities don't spell this out)


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Uncle Sam fallen on hard times

The Problem: Inability to live within means

Who: United States government

Why are they special? 307 million call the place home

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 1776

What the top person makes: $400,000

General site: Home

Charity Navigator has not evaluated this charity.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Not stated

Image courtesy of vitasamb2001

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Remembering where we came from

The Problem: Preserving Italian American culture in the US

Who: Sons of Italy Foundation

Why are they special? Provides grants to organizations preserving and advancing Italian American culture or supporting educational excellence among Italian Americans.

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 1959

What the top person makes: The executive director is not compensated by the charity but makes $73,702 from "affiliates"

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes


Friday, July 8, 2011

Lowest fundraising percentage we've ever seen

The Problem: Feeding the hungry

Who: Table to Table

Why are they special? Rescues prepared and perishable food and distributes free to 50 agencies in 4 New Jersey counties. States in 2009 they supplied enough food for 6,000,000 meals. In 2010 they surpassed 6.5 million meals.

Their fundraising percentage is the lowest we've ever seen in a charity.

Where: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Started: Not stated

What the top person makes: The executive director is not compensated by the charity but makes $106,800 from "affiliates"

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy to live here?

The Problem: Healthy, vibrant cities

Who: Urban Ecology Institute

Why are they special? Provides public school students with opportunities to learn about urban ecology

Where: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Started: 1998

What the top person makes: $75,000 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.. Charity Navigator has determined this charity requires you to opt out of their sharing your information. (Unbelievable.)

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of Maggie Smith

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Basketball doing good

The Problem: Funding cancer research

Who: The V Foundation

Why are they special? Founded by a basketball coach, the foundation has funded cancer research in 38 states and the District of Columbia.

Where: Cary, North Carolina

Started: 1993

What the top person makes: $169,177 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut

Sunday, June 19, 2011


The Problem: Women's issues

Who: Women's Way

Why are they special? Raises money for 31 agencies involved in "women’s equality, safety, self-sufficiency and reproductive freedom."

Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Started: Mid-1970s

What the top person makes: $100,508 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Contribute

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of Rawich

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Buying new ideas

The Problem: Innovation

Who: X Prize Foundation

Why are they special? They give large awards for the first people to achieve various goals they set.

Example: " A total of $30 million in prizes are available to the first privately funded teams to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon and have that robot travel 500 meters over the lunar surface and send images and data back to the Earth."

One of the challenges they might set is to diversify their board--29 people, 3 of whom are women.

Where: Playa Vista, California

Started: 1995

What the top person makes: $312,962 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Support

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of Idea go

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ever think getting away for a bit would help your art?

The Problem: Artists

Who: Yaddo-NY

Why are they special? Artists selected by panels of professional artists are awarded residencies (2 weeks-2 months), including room, board and studio.

"Its mission is to nurture the creative process by providing an opportunity for artists to work without interruption in a supportive environment."

Where: Saratoga Springs, New York

Started: 1900

What the top person makes: $188,462 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Support

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of dan

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cars saving lives

The Problem: At-risk kids

Who: Youth Automotive Training Center

Why are they special? Avenues of hope by teaching basic auto repair, academic and job skills

A 2005 study showed that 85% of those who graduated between 1997 and 2004 were employed full time or in school. 26% had become supervisors or business owners.

As of 2009, 491 people have reportedly graduated from the program.

Where: Deerfield Beach, Florida

Started: 1984

What the top person makes: $113,957 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Give

Deductible? Doesn't state


Thursday, June 9, 2011

A charity adapts

The Problem: Homeless people

Who: The Road Home

Why are they special? There used to be Travelers Aid Societies around the US, helping stranded travelers. Apparently nobody gets stranded anymore. The Societies have re-invented themselves.

The Salt Lake City branch now helps the homeless. First, they meet basic, immediate needs. Then they work on a housing plan.

Where: Salt Lake City, Utah

Started: 1923

What the top person makes: $91,316 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Give

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of Mantas Ruzveltas

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The crumbling ruins

The Problem: Endangered architectural and cultural heritage sites

Who: World Monuments Fund

Why are they special? Say they've worked on preserving such sites in 90 countries

Where: New York, New York

Started: 1965

What the top person makes: The president makes $256,100 (2009). The European president makes $291,341 (2009).

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.. Charity Navigator has determined this charity requires donors to opt out of having their information shared.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of Suat Eman

Monday, June 6, 2011

When your own painting collection is a little small ....

The Problem: Art

Who: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Why are they special? "2,500 paintings, sculptures, tapestries, furniture, manuscripts, rare books and decorative arts" set in a Venetian-style palace

Where: Boston, Massachusetts

Started: 1903

What the top person makes: $266,106 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donation

Deductible? Doesn't state

Image courtesy of tungphoto

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The Problem: US-Korea understanding

Who: Korea Society

Why are they special? Promotes "greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea."

Provides fellowships, classes, lectures, school visits, exhibits.

Organizes the annual New York Korean Film Festival.

Where: New York, New York

Started: 1957

What the top person makes: $218,400 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donation

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of J Frasse

Saturday, June 4, 2011

No money today -- requiem for a charity

The Problem: Missing children

Who: Vanished Children's Alliance

Why are they special? Educated so kids didn't disappear, helped families of those who did, assisted in finding. Claimed that 90% of the 30,000+ cases they helped with were found. If true, they were extraordinarily successful.

After 28 years, this charity closed its doors in 2009, unable to survive the recession.

According to Wikipeida, "It was the oldest organization devoted to missing children in the United States and was recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children."

So a big thank you for all those years of hard work. Sorry to see you go.

Where: San Jose, California

Started: 1981

What the top person makes: $81,832 (2008). The executive director and assistant director shared a last name. Their combined salaries equaled about 12% of the charity's expenses. That was a high ratio for a nonprofit.

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: N/A

Deductible? N/A

Image courtesy of healingdream

Friday, June 3, 2011

What if you couldn't read?

The Problem: Illiteracy in India (61% of Indians over the age of 15 can read and write, according to the CIA. The female literacy rate is 47.8%.)

Who: Pratham USA

Why are they special? Supports the efforts of the organization in India to teach children to read, write and do basic math. They estimate 100 million Indian children cannot.

Where: Houston, Texas

Started: 1999

What the top person makes: Not compensated. This the first time we've seen this happen!

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of photostock

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Can I bring my IPod???

The Problem: Young people

Who: City Year

Why are they special? Young people donate a year of service in 3 countries. They learn "skills and opportunities to change the world."

Where: Boston, Massachusetts

Started: 1988

What the top person makes: $245,931 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer reading list

The Problem: Thinking of summer reading lists

Who: New York Public Library

Why are they special? Said to be the third largest library in North America. What this means is unclear--they have the third largest library collection in the world (behind the Library of Congress and the British Library).

The Library actually consists of 89 libraries, 84 of which are neighborhood branch libraries.

If you use the search on their site (and search, not the catalog) there is a wide variety of pages on summer reading lists.

Where: New York, New York

Started: 1895

What the top person makes: $673,341 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.. Charity Navigator has determined you must opt out of the Library's sharing your name and contact information.

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The Problem: Learning about opera

Who: Palm Beach Opera

Why are they special? Provide professional performances December through April and educational opportunities

Where: West Palm Beach, Florida

Started: 1961

What the top person makes: $175,000 (2010)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report..

Link to help: Donate. Nothing happens when I click their "Click here to donate!" button.

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of Apple\'s Eyes Studio and does not represent the Palm Beach Opera's facility

Monday, May 30, 2011

Today we remember them

The Problem: Memorial Day

Who: National World War II Museum

Why are they special? The museum includes World War II re-enactors from both sides and a show in the canteen.

The United States lost between 405,339 to 416,800 men during World War II, making the conflict the deadliest in US history. This represents about 30% of US total military deaths. (The US was the 6th nation in this area during the conflict, following the Soviet Union, Germany, China, Japan and Yugoslavia. The Civil War is sometimes cited as the deadliest US war but for military deaths, the Union lost about 46,000 fewer men than in WW2.)

Since 1775, 1,343,812 members of the US military have died during war or deployment.

Today we remember them.

Where: New Orleans, Louisiana

Started: 2000

What the top person makes: $314,659 (2009)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report.. Charity Navigator has determined you must opt out of this charity's giving your name and contact information to others (unclicking the box on the donation page).

Link to help: Give

Deductible? Does not state

Image courtesy of Tim Beach

Sunday, May 29, 2011

15 big guys ....

The Problem: Removing debris after the tornado devastated Joplin, Missouri

Who: Grace Metro Church

Why are they special? A couple was searching through the smashed apartment house of the husband's mother.

Unannounced, 15 large men from the Genesis Metro Church (333 miles away) showed up, asking if they could help. They moved some of the heaviest stuff like it was nothing.

This post is a thank you for that help.

Where: Frisco, Texas

Started: Unknown

What the top person makes: Unknown

General site: Home

Charity Navigator has not reported on this charity.

Link to help: Give

Deductible? Does not state

Image courtesy of anankkml

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Burial with military honors

The Problem: Burying veterans with military honors

Who: Honor guards at 146 national cemeteries in the US

Why are they special? At some national cemetery burials, taps is done by a recording. At others, a group of veteran volunteers provide military honors including a live performance of taps.

The difference for the family and mourners is huge.

Where: Nationwide

Started: Circa 1865

What the top person makes: N/A

General site: Military funeral honors

Charity Navigator: N/A

Link to help: The suggestion is to contact your nearest national cemetery and see if the honor guards need any help or donations.

Deductible? unknown

Friday, May 27, 2011

No money today -- just remembering

The Problem: Remembering the fallen

Who: All of us

Why are they special? Monday people in the US have a day to remember members of the armed forces who have died in service.

Where: Around the world

Started: 1776

What the top person makes: $225,180 (5 star general)

General site: Suggestions to observe Memorial Day

Charity Navigator: N/A

Link to help: Taps

Video about the Honor Guard

Deductible? N/A

Image courtesy of nuttakit

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Health Care in South Carolina

The Problem: People not insured for medical problems

Who: Welvista

Why are they special? Provides free prescription medicine and affordable pediatric dental services to low income South Carolinians.

Where: Columbia, South Carolina

Started: 1993

What the top person makes: $180,186 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Does not state


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looked like Hiroshima

The Problem: Joplin, Missouri, hit by a tornado. "It looked like Hiroshima," one observer said. "It made Tuscaloosa look like a garden party."

Who: Missouri Baptists Disaster Relief

Why are they special? They're in Joplin now helping out, according to Missouri's attorney general. Services include "food preparation, cleanup and recovery, repair and rebuild, communications, crisis counseling, water purification, and shower units".

Where: Jefferson City, Missouri

Started: Does not state

What the top person makes: Unknown

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator has not evaluated this charity.

Link to help: same as general link above

Deductible? Yes

Monday, May 23, 2011

Gleaning the fields

The Problem: Hungry people

Who: Society of St. Andrew

Why are they special? They gather produce left behind after harvest and deliver it to people in need

Where: Big Island, Virginia

Started: 1979

What the top person makes: $82,652 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of digitalart

Saturday, May 21, 2011

In honor of Armed Forces Day in the US

The Problem: Helping Air Force personnel

Who: Air Force Aid Society

Why are they special? Assists personnel in emergencies, on base and in meeting their educational goals

Where: Arlington, Virginia

Started: 1942

What the top person makes: $194,139 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but does not state

Image courtesy of Tim Beach

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Old Ways

The Problem: Living the traditional Navajo way

Who: Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program

Why are they special? Helps 400 Navajo (Dine') Elders. "The Program provides food, simple medicines, clothing, fabric and yarns to help these Elders live on the land in their traditional lifestyle."

Where: Park City, Utah

Started: late 1980s

What the top person makes: $59,500 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but does not state

Image courtesy of Boaz Yiftach

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

The Problem: African American college education


Why are they special? Raises money for its 39 member colleges and 400 scholarship and internship programs

Where: Fairfax, Virginia

Started: 1944

What the top person makes: $557,451 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report. Charity Navigator reports this charity requires you to take the step of opting out of having your information shared. Sadly, not unusual for

Link to help: Donations. If you have web page skills, maybe you could offer to help them with their site.

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of Digital Photos

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ideas on How to Choose

Raining today. So instead of profiling a charity, we're showing some advice from Charity Navigator:

20 top 10 lists

10 best practices of savvy donors. We don't agree with all this but it's worth looking at. They say the average charity CEO makes $150,000. Good to hear it. But that's surprising because the salaries we see are often twice that.

In Guide to Donating Noncash Items, Charity Navigator misses the central question--who will come and pick my stuff up? They move to the top of the list!

Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Problem: Poorest communities

Who: Zakat Foundation of America

Why are they special? Responds to disaster needs while also fostering long term development. Zakat appears to be a Muslim concept of tithing but it only kicks in when a certain "minimum threshold" of wealth is achieved.

One of their goals is to minimize administrative costs by having a small administrative staff. The head guy makes $60,000--the smallest salary we've ever reported for a charity. That's showing you mean it in real time.

Where: Worth, Illinois

Started: 2001

What the top person makes: $60,000 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Yes


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Free Music and More

The Problem: Free performing arts

Who: Stern Grove Festival Association

Why are they special? Presents annual admission-free performing arts festival in San Francisco (concerts for 10 consecutive Sundays at 2 pm). Next year will be the 75th year for the Festival. Said to be the nation's longest running free outdoor music fest.

Where: San Francisco

Started: 1938

What the top person makes: $168,000 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Does not state

Image courtesy of Pixomar

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A candle in the window

The Problem: Woman allegedly has a fight with boyfriend in Maryland at 2 am on March 4, 2002.

She reportedly walks out of his house and is never seen again. (Another site describes the man as an ex-boyfriend.)

Who: Let's Bring Them Home

Why are they special? They provide safety education for all ages (hoping to prevent disappearances) and resources for the families of those missing. Web site says the Discovery Channel has partnered with them.

Where: Bentonville, Arkansas

Started: States they've been doing this for 25 years

What the top person makes: Unknown

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator has not evaluated this organization.

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Yes

King of the Forest

The Problem: By 1940 chestnut blight had nearly wiped out the American chestnut tree. The wood that built most of America's barns and homes east of the Mississippi for 3 centuries was virtually gone.

Today fewer than 100 large specimens survive in its native range.

Who: American Chestnut Foundation

Why are they special? Trying to bring a blight-resistant American chestnut back to its native range. They harvested blight-resistant nuts in 2005. Reforestation may begin in 2015.

Where: Asheville, North Carolina (Wouldn't Chestnut Grove in the same state be more appropriate?)

Started: 1983

What the top person makes: $120,000 (2010)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations. You can become a member too but apparently not online. Maybe this charity will wake up one day. Mailing stuff in is so 80s.

Deductible? Yes

Thursday, May 12, 2011

You've heard of the Smithsonian but .....

The Problem: A museum of architecture

Who: National Building Museum

Why are they special? Examines "the world we create for ourselves".

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 1980

What the top person makes: $226,331 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report. Charity Navigator warns you must opt out of this charity's sharing your email address.

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Doesn't state

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The people who make us laugh and cry

The Problem: Entertainment professionals who need help

Who: Actors Fund

Why are they special? Not everyone in entertainment makes the big bucks. For 129 years, Actors Fund has been providing "comprehensive social services, health services, supportive and affordable housing, employment and training services, and skilled nursing and assisted living care".

This can get very practical. There is a shoe fund (started in 1945) to help actors look properly shod at auditions. They assist with funerals and burials for those in need.

Where: New York City

Started: 1882

What the top person makes: $275,482 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report. Charity Navigator warns if you don't want this charity sharing your email address, you must opt out.

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Doesn't say

Image courtesy of Idea go

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Helping the disabled

The Problem: Intellectually and developmentally disabled people

Who: Best Buddies International

Why are they special? Tries to help with one-on-one relationships in all 50 states and 50 other countries. The Wikipedia article says they reached 700,000 people in 2009.

Where: Miami, Florida

Started: 1989

What the top person makes: $127,194 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report. Charity Navigator warns you must opt out of this charity's sharing your email address.

Link to help: Donations

If you're a web designer, you might volunteer. They don't know it but they need web design help in a big way.

The about us section is done in a tiny, almost unreadable font size. The donation page is white text on a black background. One button near the bottom is partially obscured by another. The donation page doesn't mention whether they're tax deductible or not (they probably are in the US--why not say so?) Someone should tell them, too, that sharing email addresses without permission is, at best, not nice.

The founder, Andrew Kennedy Shriver (who takes a salary of $100,074 plus $117,478 from affiliates) is a nephew of the late president (born after his death). The web site uses all 3 names. I guess if I were related to a Kennedy, I'd flaunt it too. But since I'm not, the practice seems irritating.

Deductible? Doesn't say

Image courtesy of this site

Monday, May 9, 2011

When the mind needs help

The Problem: Mental illness

Who: American Psychiatric Foundation

Why are they special? Promotes public understanding of mental illness. Associated with the American Psychiatric Association.

Where: Arlington, Virginia

Started: Not stated. Does not have a Wikipedia article

What the top person makes: $174,974 (2009, funded by affiliates)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but page does not say so

Image courtesy of Idea go

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

The Problem: Learning how to breastfeed

Who: La Leche International

Why are they special? Provides information and encouragement, usually individually--mother to mother. In 68 countries.

Where: Schaumburg, Illinois

Started: 1956

What the top person makes: $66,621 (2010)

General site: Home page

La Leche, ask yourself--can someone popping onto your web site find out quickly and easily precisely what you do? Or how "worldwide" you operate? We couldn't. Or maybe you could just provide a link to the Wikipedia article about you.

Charity Navigator's report. Charity Navigator warns you must affirmatively opt out of receiving emails from this charity once they have your address.

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Yes

Image courtesy of Clare Bloomfield

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cancer Camping

The Problem: Children with cancer and other life threatening diseases

Who: Hole in the Wall Gang Fund

Why are they special? Founded by the late Paul Newman (how's that for special?) Provides a camp for these children and year-round support for their families.

AE Hotchner's book Paul and Me (2010) describes the conception and growth of the camp.

Where: New Haven, CT

Started: 1985

What the top person makes: $165,305 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Yes

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

The Problem: Preserving and exhibiting Latino art

Who: National Museum of Mexican Art

Why are they special? Claims to be the only Latino museum accredited by the American Association of Museums. 15 of the exhibits have traveled to other museums in the US and Mexico. Also runs a radio station.

Where: Chicago

Started: 1982

What the top person makes: $162,500 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but does not state

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gorgeous lakes and trees

The Problem: Protecting the 6 million acres Adirondack Park in New York

Who: Adirondack Council

Why are they special? Works to protect and restore this vast park. Said to be the largest park in the contiguous United States.

Might be perceived as aggressive--they supported the statewide ban on lead sinkers which reportedly poison the common loon.

Sadly, you can't find out much about the park on the Council's web site.

And, guys, how about some pictures??? Plus an editor. Your home page says you're for working farms--your about us page says you want to prevent them.

Where: Elizabethtown, New York

Started: 1975

What the top person makes: $152,488 (2010)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Unknown

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Affordable theater???

The Problem: Theater for people who can't afford the tickets

Who: Lincoln Center Theater

Why are they special? They give " thousands of free tickets each year to culturally under-served populations throughout the five boroughs" of New York City. Reportedly is the city's only Broadway-class theater outside of the theater district.

Where: New York City

Started: 1985

What the top person makes: $495,893 (2009)

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but page does not state

Monday, May 2, 2011

The children of Chernobyl

The Problem: Children affected by the radiation of the Chernobyl disaster

Who: Chabad's Children of Chernobyl

Why are they special? Has evacuated 93 planeloads of children to permanent residence in Israel. Provides medicine, equipment and training to assist local Chernobyl area physicians in dealing with radiation-induced illnesses

Where: New York City

Started: 1990

What the top person makes: Not stated

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator's report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but page does not state

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How can I tell what a charity does with my money?

The Problem: Who polices the charities?

Who: Charity Navigator

Why are they special? Reports on the finances of individual charities. Prospective donors can look up more than 5,500 organizations on their web site. They plan to move beyond finances to evaluate a charity's effectiveness and results later in 2011.

Where: Glen Rock, NJ

Started: 2002

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator doesn't evaluate itself. Click here for their unconvincing explanation of why not.

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but page does not state

Saturday, April 30, 2011

More tornado help

The Problem: Helping the hurting worldwide

Who: Samaritan's Purse

Why are they special? Evangelist Billy Graham's son, Franklin, runs this. They are helping in Alabama and North Carolina where tornadoes ravaged lives this month. Sends 8 million shoebox gifts to poor kids in 100 countries annually. Supplies doctors and equipment to underprivileged countries.

His salary at $473,440 seems a tad steep. (The executive director of Doctors Without Borders makes $118,000 a year, Oxfam $311,094, CARE $386,305). Rev. Graham picks up another $106,407 each year for heading up the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He is outspoken about Islam (he's not in favor).

I read a story 30 years ago where someone from a competing organization was having trouble getting home at the airline ticket counter. I forget what the problem was. A hand came up from behind with a credit card. The hand was somebody from Samaritan's Purse.

While its boss is somewhat controversial, I have not heard any criticism of the charity.

Where: Boone, North Carolina

Started: 1970

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Yes

Friday, April 29, 2011

Students meeting heroes

The Problem: Inspiring youth

Who: Academy of Achievement

Why are they special? Brings students face to face with successful, even extraordinary people, including Nobel Prize winners

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 1961

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but not stated

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Worst tornado season in 40 years

The Problem: The latest tornado killed 32 people and injured more than 600 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Businesses and apartment buildings were destroyed. One newspaper used the terms "massive damage" and "complete devastation".

Deaths in the region exceed 200 people. Almost 8% of the state's population is without power.

Who: Mid Alabama Region, American Red Cross

Why are they special? Providing food, shelter, emotional support. Helping people get back on their feet.

Where: Hoover, Alabama

Started: 1881 (American Red Cross)

General site: Mid Alabama Region

Charity Navigator report for American Red Cross

Link to help: Donations

Deductible? Presumably but not stated

Update: 21% of Alabama's population may be without power, according to the governor.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Breaking fear of the web down, one button at a time

The Problem: Older folks' fear of the web

Who: We Are What We Do Foundation

Why are they special? They have a free web tool. A older person can set up (or have a friend do it) a page with big bright buttons linking to favorite web sites.

There's a place at the bottom for a photo and phone number with the message "If you get stuck, call me." (Very cool. I use it everyday though I'm not their target audience.)

Where: London

Started: 2008

General site: Home page

Charity Commission report

Link to help: Email

Deductible? Presumably in UK but not stated

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Give not a cup, but a cow."

The Problem: Hunger and poverty

Who: Heifer International

Why are they special? They donate livestock and training to give people a sustainable hand up in 125 countries. Recipients agree to donate one of the offspring of their livestock to another family in need.

Where: Little Rock, Arkansas

Started: 1944

General site: Home page

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate. See left column.