No Relationship with Suggested Charities
Half a Latte has no affiliation with and receives no compensation from any of the people/causes/charities profiled (we’ll call them “charities” from now on) except that Half a Latte employees or contractors may be donors.
Half a Latte accepts no money for charities—we invite readers to donate directly, cutting out the middlemen and expense.
Half a Latte has not vetted nor examined the books of charities. The suggestion to donate is based on information gathered. Half a Latte makes no warranty as to the effectiveness of charities. It is Half a Latte’s reasonable belief that charities need and can productively utilize donations. Readers desiring greater inquiry are urged to do so. Use of the information provided is at readers’ own risk.
Not all charities are nonprofit or tax exempt with the US Internal Revenue Service. Sometimes a need is urgent or small and the time or money to secure such status is not available.
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