Friday, August 26, 2011

Helping kids get ahead

The Problem: Cycle of poverty

Who: Juma Ventures

Why are they special? Breaks the cycle for youth by giving employment and teaching skills

Where: San Francisco, California

Started: ?

What the top person makes: $141,272 (2009)

General site: Juma Ventures

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

(Requires you to set up an account to donate. That's ridiculous. You guys ever heard of something called PayPal? That little start up?)

Deductible? Yes


Monday, August 22, 2011

America the Beautiful

The Problem: Litter

Who: Keep America Beautiful

Why are they special? Targets litter prevention, waste reduction and beautification through 1,000 affiliates and participating organizations.

The organization has been criticized with the allegation the emphasis on litter prevention ignores recycling and redesigning packaging. (The web site does have a section addressing recycling.)

Where: Stamford, Connecticut

Started: 1953

What the top person makes: $310,000 (2009) Ouch! This is twice what the governor of his state makes.

General site: Keep America Beautiful

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate (You have to unclick to avoid getting on their mailing list.)

Deductible? Probably but they don't say so.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Growing dinner

The Problem: Agriculture on the prairie

Who: Land Institute

Why are they special? Seeks to do an ecologically stable agriculture on the prairie without sacrificing yields

Where: Salinas, Kansas

Started: 1976

What the top person makes: $66,000 (2010)

General site: The Land Institute

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate (If you're a web designer, think about making some suggestions to them. Did you see the code visible on the donation page???)

Deductible? Not stated (it must be a secret. Hmmm.)


Friday, August 12, 2011

Safe Place

The Problem: Women who are victims of domestic violence

Who: My Sister's Place

Why are they special? Helps attain post-shelter housing, self-sufficiency, coping and safety

Where: Washington, DC

Started: 1979

What the top person makes: $132,478 (2009)

General site: Who We Are

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Unknown (Hey, charities, it's just a line! Let your donors know!)


Friday, August 5, 2011

Editorial: Jewis Lewis shoved off telethon

Jerry Lewis got canned by the MDA Telethon this week. Additionally they said he won't be appearing on any future telethons in any capacity.

I don't know what the back story on this is.

But if some guy was largely responsible for $2.6 billion being donated to my charity, I'd treat him better.

He hosted the thing for 45 years. You think maybe letting him on for a song once a year would kill you?

As one Los Angeles Times columnist wrote, without Jerry, "There is really no reason to watch it now."

Even if the format was becoming outmoded and the revenue declining, it would have been good, as a fellow comic put it, to let him say good bye.

Maybe after we find the cure for MD, we can find out how to fix rudeness and clue the MDA in.

Oh, and Jerry--thanks!


Not a hand-me-down

The Problem: New clothes for foster kids

Who: Neat Stuff

Why are they special? "Neat Stuff provides free brand new clothing, shoes, accessories and gifts to meet some of the basic needs of abused, neglected and other children in distress, allowing them to dress with pride and dignity, inspiring their self worth."

A neat idea, an executive director not making six figures and a four star rating on Charity Navigator. Wow!

Where: Miami, Florida

Started: 1995

What the top person makes: $84,060 (2010)

General site: Home

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Help

Deductible? Yes in US
