Friday, September 16, 2011

No more dam breaks

The Problem: Protection of rivers and the communities living next to them

Who: International Rivers

Why are they special? Work to stop dams which they believe harm people downstream. Active in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Where: Berkeley, California

Started: 1985

What the top person makes: $70,664 (2009)

General site: International Rivers

Charity Navigator report

Link to help: Donate

Deductible? Yes


Friday, September 9, 2011

The Flag on 9-11

Sometimes charity is not the only way to do good. On Sunday, September 11, many Americans will fly the flag in remembrance of the lives lost on that day 10 years ago.

There is actually a law about displaying the flag, passed in 1942. There are however no flag police. So you won't get busted if you miss one of the rules. But the flag code suggests a level of respect.

While the flag may be flown any day, some media have suggested September 11 is a designated day. Actually the date is not mentioned in the flag code.

Many people will fly the flag at half-mast on Sunday. To do so, the flag is brought briskly to the top of the pole, then slowly lowered to the half-mast position. At the end of the day, the flag is again brought to the top before being ceremoniously lowered.

The flag ought not to be flown in inclement weather (unless an all-weather flag is used) nor at night (unless illumination is provided.)

When a new state enters the union, a star is added to the flag. It is the custom to fly the new flag for the first time at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland. This is where the incident leading to the national anthem occurred. (The flag normally flown at the Fort has 15 stars and stripes, the flag of 1814 when the Star Spangled Banner was wrtten.)


Friday, September 2, 2011

Not a great Labor Day

We couldn't find a charity dealing with undisabled adult unemployment using the Charity Navigator search.

It's supposed to be a great weekend. But for too many Americans, it's a disaster.

* Unemployment has risen 1.6 points in 2 1/2 years.

* US unemployment rate has been stuck at or above 9% since May 2009--more than 2 years (except for February and March 2011 when it dipped to 8.9% and 8.8% respectively.)

* Embarrassingly, a single province in Canada (Alberta) added more net jobs in June than the entire United States.

So if you know of a charity who's working to solve this problem, please donate.

If you don't, please send the president your ideas on how the problem can be solved.

He needs your help. Unemployment was 7.6% when he took office. The next month it jumped up half a point and never looked back. We haven't seen 7.6% since.

Oh, and happy Labor Day!